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I teach you the language of strategic clothes.

You are a successful entrepreneur
and you want to LOOK and FEEL like one.

  • You want your new status and evolution to be obvious from the first moment you enter a room;

  • You want to have a wardrobe for public appearances that makes you stand out,  respects dress codes, is aligned with your body shape and has colors that make the right impression;

  • You want to know what types of clothes suit you, what style to adopt, so that you always have an impeccable outfit;

  • You want to know what suits you exactly so that you can play it safe and don't waste time choosing before an event;

  • You want to have in your wardrobe outfits for every type of occasion of your entrepreneurial lifestyle: cocktail, black tie etc.

  • You feel that your clothes don't represent you anymore. They are "too tight" for the new you (no, not physically, but metaphorically);

  • You don't have the time and the knowhow to obtain all the above.


the transformational image program



Because it’s for smart people that understand that their visual impact matters and they can use it in a strategic way.

And because it's more than an aesthetic program - we will use color psychology, we will translate personality into style, we will use neuroscience to understand your image's importance and transform this understanding in concrete solutions. 


Because it’s an Image transformational program:

we will use aesthetics in order to achieve business goals.

You will be more beautiful, for sure, but this will be … only a bonus.


Because when you are an entrepreneur and your personal image is your (personal) brand’s image.

And we will make your appearance become your ally in sales, communication, negotiation.

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​The BBB program will help you:

  • to be seen and appreciated at your true worth;

  • to quickly and efficiently obtain the necessary image leap at this stage of your life;

  • to have a non-verbal communication (your visual impact) that generates profit;

  • to save time (an efficient wardrobe is easier to manage);

  • to save money (self-knowledge eliminates style errors and inappropriate purchases);

  • to be much calmer and confident;

  • to learn a series of secrets, because I like to pass on know-how to you, so that you can continue on your own.

I trained in Milan (Istituto Europeo di Design, Nuova Accademia di belle Arti, Italian Image Institute) and I practice both in Milan and in the Lake Como area where I have lived for 15 years.

From 2022 I turned also to Romanian market, my native land  - thus I bring you the latest in my field of expertise, directly to your home:the latest trends aligned with your personality, body shape, skin tone; the newest methods and solutions to improve your personal image.

About me

I am Irina Ricciardi

and I am a professional Image Consultant.


My entrepreneur mindset helped me create for you a transformational program with clear steps and quantifiable results, so that you have proof of your stylistic evolution right from the first moments.

The fact that I live and carry out my activity in the famous tourist area of ​​Lake Como in the north of Italy, allows me to also offer you fabulous retreats with style workshops, photo sessions in Lake Como’s panoramic locations and shopping in Milan.

"Without a working knowledge of the basis, one cannot achieve true stylishness".

Start with my free resources:

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Free E-book

I prepared for you an E-book called "The Image of the Successful Entrepreneur": it reveals the steps that you should take in order to align your personal and professional image with your successful carrier.


Free 30 min session

Take the opportunity of a 30 min free consultancy session. We get to know eachother and you can ask me anything.



Don't underestimate the old fashioned Blog. I'm constantly sharing there a lot of useful information: how to prepare a perfect personal brand photo shooting, how to use colors to your advantage, which are the tools that you can use for improving your image etc.

what my clients say

“Incredibil ! Habar nu aveam că există atâtea trucuri, atât de simple și eficiente !  Ma simt mai frumoasă și mai încrezătoare !

- Roxana, București, Romania

“I am so happy that I met you ! Not only I learned a lot from you, but also I have a wonderful person as a friend ! Thank you !"

- Julie, California,


“Ogni giorno uso almeno uno dei tuoi consigli - sui colori, sulle forme, sui tessuti , e la differenza è davvero notevole, me lo dicono ! Ti sono grata, un'abbraccio ! "

- Serena, Como,



I know that you prefer videos. So, here I am with some of mine 
(you can find the rest on my social media).

2023 Irina Ricciardi | all rights reserved
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